MASHUCAN Basic is an object relational client/server based framework for software developers that want to create any kind of a database software application. The framework provides ready-made features that can be applied by a developer when realizing a software application. The following developement features are already integrated:
For saving data the framework uses relational databases. The database systems that can be used in conjunction with MASHUCAN Basic are:
A developer defines his own data model in MASHUCAN Basic in an object oriented form. The framework transfers the object oriented model into a relational model and saves it in the database. The object oriented model supports classes and class inheritance, primitive types (integer, double, string etc.) as well as association between classes.
Reading and writing user data takes place via the API. The framework transfers the data from or on changing to the database via the server skelexe that is acting as a middleware software. Thus, every read or write action is checked on the user permissions.
Furthermore the framework provides Qt based gui elements that can be used for showing and changing the data. Those are:
User permissions are also integrated in the gui elements, so that on the tree, table, list or object view only data with read permissions can be displayed or write permissions edited.